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Co je to? Kolik to stoji? SR Le Eee ae ee practice important greetings and phrases ask and say how much food and dri Lekce 1 Jak se jmenujete? - Jmenuju se... Some basic words and phrases © 1. Posioucheite. Z W\ \ \ Jak se jmenujete? -Jmenuju te. Oathud jotet - uem =. fj J Rozumitet ~ Rosumim, (Nerozumim. Doserandersand?~L understand.) I don Mm if} / { / Jak se Fekne cents thank sou" este jednow, prosin. “awd you say tha you" Coro? ‘Once mor, please Pamatujte st: Prosim = ‘The moot common fution: DBKa.~ Prom. You ander fede drinks i ater’ ying Pri, is diy . our telephone rings You poh up the revives and say: Prosi Ina shop, you are oddrevsed bya shop aaaitant: Prosi? You misunderstood your partner You suk him a hers Poston? M4 You meet somvone Oy a doar and wat let Rr or er pas fiat: Prosi. = ‘Someone asks you for permission Yodo something and you agree Prosi. a want to edese rege in the strut: Prowl Vas Hotel, banka a metro Pronunciation practice 2. Crate, om = Gi Cojetot To je hotel To je banke. Toe metro. {eters you know: abedetoniikimaoparstuvwxys 2, Case letters: consonants ea horse 2 2, Czedh letters: vomets SE ° wey Note the dnertesymbots used in Crock" For gencrl pronuntation rales, e¢ page 217 ho,” etka length mark and*kroutek circle. 3, Rozumite? hotel banka iokotsha ast supermarket poste tara) police pumps Intormace, opere parkoviss hostel 4. Co znamenaji table ,internacionaini siova"? Lite all the Beropeanlenguogen, Cech has adopted quite a fot of words from Latin and Greek, and some ti natch Yoel recognise them easy! However, ste of thom ca be ale finds’! They can eat vo ita comptes differen in your language wee age 205. You sould always check ir meaning It ‘gud dictionary. Por the meaning of eolours se page 25, pre eeu auto Student matin rato ‘Eertimen prebiém stereo fore rodeo hontoue onteronce video entat demonracie sudo 5. Reeknéte, kde bydlite isla jsou na strané 17, pronunciation of your address.) et byt? / Ke ait? Where do you ie? = Ahoj. - Dobry den. Greetings and basic social phrases “3 © 6 Postoucheite. Doplite dialog. 4 x dh. Cuahua jut aby. Aha ® . tee : 4 me” \ Outhud jae Coastater Dekaju. Deb on Ja 38ers? —_ hug joa? co ste? — Deku Hy ee se hey Ja jsem Tom. Ty jsi Alice? Personal pronouns. The verb to be. Questions and negation. Y tf itt Ja jnem Tor 4y ft Alice? -Ne, 4 nejeem Mice Tose Alice Personal pronouns at ny we yoo wey 12r,0m, 0 (0n0) he het ‘(oni amv 0ns) thy Ths forma in brackets are only usd in formal and written Cech, The form yi ated for informe Mfr friends, relatives, children). The form vy ewe: 1. ax the paral for formal address in the sing Pamatujte si: ‘Don't forget that wing the trform with ax adult stronger com be impale! Usualy ti the older prvon oro woman who sageat MAzeme skate con use the informal addres, The verb to be ~ byt hem = th fame — (we) ve Jato (os) a0 ounce: sek jn cha nnwaly don use perme pronns ith verb a =a Because the persone re exp ifgew utc promaun, yuu sven f(A jor nl yo The ony exooptan ts he general tae of ant aaa too when You pola et things or pope ‘Questions and negation Question: To crete a question, vou dom ned any ausiiry verb, Just change the intonation of the sentence ka? To Je moto? Ty jst Allee? Negation: You simply insert the prfte mein font ofthe orb «38 tom Tom. ~ 38 nejsem Tom. ‘There ‘sonly one exepton: To 3B majonéza? ~ Me, to NENI mojonézs To Je Jogurt. nojsem hols /cal.nojsos nent - Spojte reakce. Pak naplate informace o Lorl, Pierrovi a Igorovi. Ale Jom 2 Australie Taleem Dense ‘Ano, to fm ‘thd i? ‘om mera Goetaat Aja jaem Lor ‘Tae fae ‘Aho, Lori je — / 2 Doors den teem s Francie. ‘Tajsem Alena Nov Ne juom ronaser Out te Mey ne atadene? a oo Perr Moston Pierre Mattien je sa Ps Dats den Ne shedarow Promitieey joe pon Brown? ‘Ns, uj student. sem profesor. WenujntesAraie? tiem Angie, Sem » Rush. Aha. jte student? Si sem igor Votbon Tak promint. ‘ante Na shiedanou, Dabs dom *% Igor Vothor Je Tor Volhor nent 10, Reagujte na otazky. nite? — Codecs — Jk se bite? ~ Co je to? - To je/to neni... What is that? - It is /it isn’t... ‘lee Tom jsou vkavarns. Ton: Ato lak sw mis ice? io: Boj, Dot digs Ay? Jaks ma 1? Tom: Uj, Alte: ojo? Toe whisky? V 10 hain no? Tom: Neto Je neemys To nent wna To 05 Allee at tof potas, 11, Dalejte otazky a odpovidejte. Pouzivejte obrézky na strané 19 a 20. Nepthiad: Coot? Tae maaness?~ A, oo sjonéz./Ne, to nani mone. Toe eau © 12.comks robot spatné? Opravte vat. 4 bst non robe Ty bgt taky robot X 839? Neto Bi mesma. Ta bgt stds Smenavat 0 393, To nebgt robot X32. 13, €t8te, Rozumite? ‘Tojeskandil, Tojo provokace. Tojetok. Tole chaos. Tojetain. Tolekomedie.Tojetragedie,‘Tojekomplkace, ToJe problem. Pamatujte si: Tole pravda. That tue ‘Tole skoda. Matva pity/chame. Televi. Thor ajate ‘Tolew poridku: Thar OK Toleledno. [reall the same. ‘ole nosmys. Thats nonsense, ‘Tole vdectno, Tarai, jt nebo mebjt toe otdizha! olik stoji jogurt? Jogurt stoji 10 korun. jumbers and prices Tom jou v superar Reaguite. Rokndte, kolik to stoli tooth naa restau phlei rea, vo, minaret na koncon? 8 chidb, cheba jabiko 10. kako 11. ava (ol, kate) 12. knedtik, kneatiky 13, majonéza 14. mésio 15.maso 16. minoratka 17, miléko 18, okurka 1B. piv0 20. rohtik 21. salém 22. yt 23. vino 24, zmratina banana broccoli sugar cigaretic lemon cake bread appte coffee dumpling, dumplings mayonnaise butter meat ‘mineral water ill cucumber beer Jong rolt salami cheese wine jiato: ovoce:

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