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9 th grade, Pre-Intermediate Pre1. Take a look at the pictures below. What do you think they refer to?

2 minutes

While2. Read the poem from the handout carefully. Does the title fit the poem? How would you interpret it? 3 minutes 3. What does the term British mean to you after you read the poem from the handout? Work with a partner and think of a definition for the word Britishness; you may want to take in consideration symbols that are traditionally associated with Britain such as currency, flags, anthems, types of food. 5 minutes

Post4. The poem of B.Zephaniah's "The British" mixes up nontraditional ingredients for a recipe. With a partner you are going to create a recipe for cooking a dish entitled Multiculturalism. Notice that recipes are often divided by the type of ingredients (meats, vegetables, fruits) or the kind of dish (breakfast, desserts, drinks). There are no restrictions concerning the quantities or the types of ingredients you are using. 15 minutes 5. As you can see from the poem cooking is fun. Some of you might have dreamed that someday they are going to be restaurants owners so now you have the chance. In the next minutes you will have to create in groups of four an imaginary multicultural restaurant. Think of its name, its appearance, and its menu. 25 minutes

Lesson Jamie keddin

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