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ID-201 Ingls Universitario II

Additional Information Connectors.

Connectors: Additional Information.

Additional Information Connectors are used to: a) Add more information to an idea; b) List, organize, and classify new information; c) Show examples to further explain an idea.

Grammatical Usage of Connectors.

Type 1 Connectors.

These connectors join two independent clauses:

* I didnt pass my driving test. Furthermore, I failed English again. First Indep Clause 2nd Indep Clause * I had many problems at home this week. Also, I broke up with Jennifer. First Indep Clause 2nd Indep Clause

Grammatical Usage of Connectors.

Type 2 Connectors These connectors join an independent clause with a dependent clause. Whence (from where) Wherein (in which) Whereby (by which) Whereat (at which) Wherefore (for which) Desde donde En donde Por lo cual, por donde Con lo cual Por tanto

These AI connectives are not commonly used in modern English.

Grammatical Usage of Connectors.

Type 3 Connectors

These connectors join a phrase to an independent clause.

Besides being a workaholic, my brother drinks too much. Phrase Indep Clause

* Besides that, I want to buy a new car next year. Phrase Indep Clause

Grammatical Usage of Connectors.

Type 1 Also Moreover Furthermore Besides In addition For instance For example Besides Type 3

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