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she leaves home [wants mum and steppy to have some niice time.] to forks (((so like character introductions are not beats yo wtf b))) random school newspaper guy makes a move hits guy other blonde in head with volleyball and meets Ashley or whatever sees cullens in window sits next to Cullen fellow and he is acting odd ((((I can definitely see the confusion about her curiousity with the vampire boy. Hardly ne thing happens n its like she even wants to confront him mkay wtf yah.))) 8. (((((ok they also got rid of the real girl elements of it. Like a young girls storylike in transformers 1 ppl praised how the boy was getting a car and it was spielbergian but here they got rid of what was in the book like the girl trying to be independent and get a new car and really just being at a time of transisition. booo I say. Its pretty much just given to her and it takes away from her character. )))))) 9. (((((watching the extras for the boondock saints was more valuable (feels like) now than at the time. I dont like the cinematography here at 19:10 it should be floating more it does that a bit here exactly but not in the long awkward convo before. And he doesnt live up to the poorly done intro to his character))))) 10. Edward Cullen talks to her in class of sciences or one. 11. Edward saves her from getting killed by the token black guy 12. Ummm o yeah (((((one of the big things is that he tries to figure her out cuz shes more unusual so its innate and not something that just happens why he chooses her. Hey does that mean our stories embrace lazy us cuz like its not all about work in the beginning light the guy and the stone it was just given to him. Sure he had to work hard but in the beginning he didnt train at all and he just pulled the sword from the stone. ))))) 13. Bella learns about the wolf pack treaty with vampires 14. Bella encounters persons with untowardly intentions and Edward arrives to save the day. We discover his tracking of her and brain reading-ness. 15. She feels his hand and it is cold when they are driving home. 16. Ummmm well quaylan or whatever his name is dies of animal attack and we met him before. 2nd animal attack this one is more of a beat cuz there are lights and stuff and the 2nd one and we were shown the parallel image b4 remember when they killed him ah so they are the animals. 17. She does internet research and learns about vampires 18.

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