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PURIFICATION PROCESS Include: Asanas Pranayama Hatha Yoga Shatkarmas surya namaskara surya bheda Fasting or Light diet

The best diet for a kundalini yogi is boiled food. Crushed wheat, barley, lentils and dal are excellent foods, particularly when they are in a liquid form. Fats and greasy foodsshould be avoided and protein should be kept to a minimum. This will take any strain off the liver, because when the mind undergoes a crisis, the liver is overtaxed. It is good to increase the carbohydrates in your diet, eg. rice, wheat, maize, b arley, potato, etc., because carbohydrates help to maintain the inner body temperature and they do not require much heat to digest. Eggs, chicken and other heavy foods do not p roduce much heat themselves, but they require heat for digestion.

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