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WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT MEETING Agenda for March 12, 2012 Meeting location: B5

Present: Appleby Z., Ramsay C., Huang V., S. Siegel and Leal M. Absent: Rios Vanessa, D. McCullough, Reid A.,

Item #


Presented by


Technology Workshop

We are having a Technology Workshop for World Language Teachers here at Oak Grove in the library this Saturday, March 17th from 8:30pm until 3:00pm.

Data Director


You need to redo the Student Analysis for Data Director. If were absent, you need to pick up your student analysis from me. I also sent you a PPT that has all the instructions for Data Director.


Mr. Leal

Mr. Ramsay, Sudy Siegel, Huang, V & myself would like to keep our existing schedule. Ms. Appleby wants the new schedule.


Mr. Leal

Ms. Brazil requested that ILT members have a discussion with their departments regarding grading in an effort to get a better understanding from each department how letter grades are issued. For example, are departments looking for, mastery of content, completion of assigned work by a specific deadline, or some other criteria? In order to have this discussion, I asked everyone to bring a copy of their green sheets.

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