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Empowerment Jim

Kouzes and Barry Posners five Leadership practices and ten Behavioural commitments of empowerment Lawlers concept of Open Book Management Conclusion


concept emerged round 1950s and 60s out of group dynamics and planned change. It refers how the people and organization functions. Participation and Empowerment are the goals of the organizational development strategy.


means giving power to individuals for decision making. Participation is an effective form of empowerment which enhances performance. The strategy of organizational development are designed to increase the involvement.

To improve the functioning of individuals, teams and whole organization. To teach organization members how to improve their own functioning. The basic idea of empowerment is to involve all those who are the part of the organization.

for example. Work groups, quality circles, team building, survey feedback etc.

Jim Kouzes

Barry Posner


the process 1.Search for opportunities 2.Experiment and take risks.

a shared vision 3.Envision the future 4.Enlist others.



others to act 5.foster collaboration 6.strengthen others.

the way 7.set the example 8.plan small wins.



the Heart 9.Recognise individual contribution 10.Celebrate Accomplishments.

Lawlers research and the concept of Open Book Management deals with the empowerment i.e. employee as the owner of the organization.


employee is an open book and know all about the company. Employee should feel that their job should move in right direction. Employee have a direct stake in companys success.


modern organization are transforming themselves from Bureaucratic structure

to Human relations system through the concept of empowerment.

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