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Lab Report : Determine Mass of Car Using F=ma Teacher Name: Mr.

Doran Student Name: CATEGORY Participation ________________________________________ 3 Used time pretty well. Stayed focused on the experiment most of the time. The purpose of the lab is identified, but is stated in an unclear manner. No Hypothesis Procedures are listed in a logical order, but steps are not numbered and/or are not in complete sentences. Accurate data in tables. Tables are labeled and titled inappropriately. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Experimental errors and their possible effects are discussed. 2 Did the lab but did not appear very interested. Focus was lost on several occasions. The purpose of the lab is partially stated, but in an unclear manner. No hypothesis Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow. 1 Participation was minimal OR student was hostile about participating. The purpose of the lab is erroneous or irrelevant. No hypothesis Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment.

4 Used time well in lab and focused attention on the experiment.

Purpose/ Hypothesis


The purpose of the lab is clearly identified and stated. Hypothesis for lab is included in purpose. Procedures are listed in clear steps. Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence.



Error Analysis


Accurate data in tables and/or graphs. Tables are labeled and titled. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. Experimental errors, their possible effects, and ways to reduce errors are discussed. Lab is carried out with full attention to safety procedures.

Accurate data in written form, but no table is presented. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment.

Data are not shown OR are inaccurate. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection.

Experimental errors are mentioned.

There is no discussion of errors.

One safety procedure needs to be reviewed.

Several safety procedures need to be reviewed.

Safety procedures were ignored.


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