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Physiology Test Questions

1) Mastication a) contributes to formation of food bolus b) increases contact of food with digest. Enzymes c) result depends on production of saliva d) is totally a reflex-process, calms down CNS

2) Saliva a) contains only inorg. Salts b) contains inorg.salts,H2O,organic comp. c) does not contain K+

3) Gastric Juice a) has an alkaline pH b) contains H2O+dry residium c) contains a high % of HCL d) does not contain enzymes

4) Which factors increase the HCL secretion a) mucin,gastrin,pepsin,histamine

5) Bile salts: a) results from combination: bile acid+inorganic ions b) participates in enterohepatic circle c) function as lipolytic enzym. d) role in absorption of fat sol. enzym.

6) Whats right about the exocrine pancreas?

a) contains insulin, high amount of bicarbonates b) contains proteolytic enzym. c) Secretion of H2O and bicarbonate is stimulated by secretin d) All lipolytic enzym. Are secreted in an inactive form

7) Bile flow increases in response to:

8) Pepsinogen is secreted by:

9) Segmentation in the small intestine: a) more frequent in jejunum than in duodenum b) Important for mixing food with digestive juices c) favors absorption

10) Saliva functions: a) digests proteins b) antibacterial c) excretion of heavy metals d) food intake regulation

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