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1. Leadership is the ability to move yourself and others to a cause you belief in.

It entails sacrifice as well as responsibility for not only yourself but for those who look up to you. 2. I will manage my time by 3. I am more qualified as I already have a leadership role in other clubs. I am the president of StyleWars, an underground music club, as well as a leader in the La Crescenta PAVA district. 4.My favorite event was the Relay for Life because I got to know meet and befriend people I only knew by name or face. 5. I would say they did a good job. 6. I have the skill of improvisation. I can react well and smart to almost any given unprepared situation. Whether it be Vice President or Publicist, I can handle a situation given to me. 7. I want to be officer for this club because it seems a lot of fun. The officers this year had fun personalities and made the club an entertaining place to be. 8. The Red Cross Club is a way to socialize, get college brownie points, and help those in need all wrapped in one. 9. Unity: 9 Diversity 8 Spirit: 10 Hours: 5 Service 8 Bonded Officers:7 Number of members 6 Officer and Member relations: 10

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