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1. Install texnic centre 2. Istall miktex centre 3. Start texnic centre 4.

When asked select folder c/program files/ miktex 2.8/ miktex/ bin 5. Open new project. Select advanced english >> article 6. Select Latex => PDF option 7. Bulid and view output 8. Each time before generating new PDF, must clost the last PDF 9. Use .png extensions format for figures 10.Use $$ around all commands, formulae within the normal text 11.Use && to align equations 12.Copy the IEEEtrans file to the same folder the tex file is in (For conf synta x) 13. Password for is Farrukh56 and user name is gmail id 14. Start/All programs/Miktex 2.8/Maintenance (Admin)/Package Manager/<search na me of required package and press enter>/ Add + and it will auto download

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