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Prepared by Enginer Eyob Teshome

In order to run the codes follow the following instructions

1.0. Prerequisite
1. You should use matlab 6.5 version or later. 2. You should note that matlab code only accepts images from the CASIA database due to imaging sizes. Two images are included on the main folder.

1.1. Create an iris template

1. There are some additional functions which are added to the code, which are basically helpfull function calls from image processing toolbox. 2. In order to create an iris template, Go to the matlab command line and type in createiristemplate(' Img_2_1_1.jpg') 3. If you get an error called like "cd" or "cd(DIAPATH)" then you need to create a directory in the main folder called "diagnostics". This is for the output images will have a place to be saved. 4. The software is supposed to spit out a template and mask, as a result it will give u an iris template in the form of Binary Codes and also five different output images will be generated in the diagnostics folder.

1.2. How to compare the templates.

1. If you look at the code for create iris template, the code spits out 2 arrays; one mask and one template. So first create an iris template and mask by typing in matlab command line: [template1, mask1] = createiristemplate('FILENAME');

2. Once it is computed, next create another template and mask from a different file. [template2, mask2] = createiristemplate('FILENAME');

3. Now you should have 2 different templates and masks for two different irises. To get the hamming distance between the two irises, you now have to use the gethammmingdistance() function as shown below.

gethammingdistance(template1, mask1, template2, mask2, scale);

4. You can leave the scale at 0 if you would like. So your command would then look like this. gethammingdistance(template1, mask1, template2, mask2, 0);

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