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The Concept of Meaning


Amirudin Latif, M.Pd

Muhammadiyah University of Metro

Lexical Meaning
Meaning as defined in the dictionary

English Stone King Queen Stick

Indonesian batu raja ratu tongkat

Grammatical Meaning

English Shoe store Drug store Gold coin Research method Fruit and vegetable market

Indonesian toko sepatu toko obat koin emas meode penelitian pasar buah dan sayur

Grammatical Meaning

Juni goes to campus by car: present tense/ habitual action.

Juni went to campus by car: the action happens in the past.

Juni is going to campus by car: the action is still progress or it happens in the future.

Juni has gone to campus by car: it shows the completion of the action go

Textual Meaning
The meaning of words/ phrases which depends on the text.

Susan bought 2 books: (buku) Susan books a seat: (memesan) Jim has a new car: (mempunyai) Jim has his breakfast at 07.00: (makan)

Situational Meaning
We will do operation tomorrow

1. 2. 3. 4.

Operating a patient Robbing Atttacking Doing razia

Kakak jatuh cinta pada gadis itu. Kakak jatuh dari pohon jambu. Akhirnya kota itu jatuh ke tangan musuh. Kalau harganya jatuh lagi kita akan rugi.

Socio-Cultural Meaning

Thinks how do you translate them - How do you do? - Its nice of you to meet me. - Whats wrong with you? - Excuse me, I want to wash my hand. -So long!

Kalau seorang Jawa bertemu dengan kawannya yang baru pulang dari berpergian, ia akan bertanya kepada teman itu:
Endi oleh-oleh? Ungkapan ini tidak berarti bahwa si penanya benar-benar minta buah tangan, tetapi sekedar menunjukkan salam akrab. Teman yang ditegur tidak menjawab dengan benar-benar memberikan oleh-oleh tetapi dapat menjawab, Slamet atau dengan bergurau Kesel (capek).

Tumben: tidak ada dalam konsep bahasa inggris.

Slamat belajar : tidak bisa diterjemahkan good learn

Selamt makan: tidak bisa diterjemahkan good eat.


We eat rice everyday The have been working in the rice field every day My wife prefer to drink water for breakfast The gardener waters the garden twice a day The interesting fishes live in the deep water Open the windows so that you will get fresh air The sheep farmers needed fresh for their animal

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