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The production plan has a critical impact on manufacturing efficiency because of the enormous amount of components, and the

large number of workers involved on the job site. It is vital, therefore, to plan thoroughly so as to control and supervise the flow of materials, work volume, job assignments and subsequent progress of the shipbuilding process.

Steel plates are cut and processed according to the blueprint. The process of heating and bending a steel plate into curved shapes is of great importance in shipbuilding, and requiries sophisticated skill and technique.

The cut and processed components are assembled block by block. In order to maximize manufacturing efficiency, the assembling of blocks is carried out in a phased manner: small-scale assembly comes first, mid-scale assembly second, and large-scale assembly last.

Assembled blocks are further jointed together to make huge blocks, and at this point, rigging articles such as pipes, electric wires are installed. In order to enhance manufacturing efficiency at the dockyard, most rigging articles are installed while the block is still on the ground

Following the above step, the huge blocks are mounted on the vessel. In order to maintain the predefined dimension, even after tens of such blocks have been jointed together; accurate positioning of each block is critically important. This is where we make full use of our shipbuilding know-how

When all the blocks are mounted and jointed, launching is the next stage. While the launching at a dock simply means filling the dock with water to float the ship, the launching from a building berth is a very impressive and exciting sight to see since the ship slides its way majestically into the sea. This is one of the most thrilling moments for all involved with the shipbuilding process

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