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AP Euro 2009 Cam Kit as. ‘AGE OF REALPOLITIK (1848-1871) ‘Characteristics Nationalism bscame a dominent force in Westem society beginning in the late 19" century & Failure of the Revolutions of 1848 for liberals and romantics demonstrated that stong, {idealism was 20t enough to accomplish revolutionary goals. ‘oA polities! outgrowth of realism was the notion of realpolitik: the accomplishing of one's Political goals ia practical means (Father than having idealism drive political decisions) * Incffect, Machiavellian Crimean War (1855-56) + Failure of the Concert of Europe 1 Syatem undermined by failure ofthe powers fo cooperate during the revolutions of 1848-49, 2 Bhoween 1648 and 1878, pace in Europe was interupted by the Crimean War and the Russo- ‘Turkish War of 1877-78. + Causes of Crimesn War Dispute between two groups of Christians over privileges in the Holy Land (Palestine) + Gear Nictolas I ordered Russian troops to occupy several Turkish provinces in the Danube region Russia would withdraw once Turks hed guaranteed rights for Orthodox Christians + Tasks declared war on Russia in 1853 when Nicholas refused to withdraw 1854, Briain & France declared war against Russa (surprise! Turks were not Christies) 4 Most ofthe war was fought onthe Crimean peninsula inthe Black Sea region ee norence Nightingale: famous for superb nursing (more men died of disease than combat) «© eave of Parisi Russia emerged as the big loser in the confict and had to return all occupied territories back tothe Ottoman Empire. + Second French Republic S Constitution: Unicameral legislature (National Assembly); song executive power ‘populary-cleted president of the Republic © President Lauis Napoleon: seen by voter a a symbol of stability and greatness 2 "Dedicated to law and order, opposed 0 socialism and radicalism, and favored the conservaive clases—the Church, army, property-owners, and business. Universal suffrage granted Falloux Law: Napoleon retumed control of education to the Church (in return for its support) «Te Assembly did not grant Louis Napoleon either payment of personal debtor allowance fora 2nd presidential term resulting in his plotting a coup to overthrow the Republic © 2008 All Rights Reserved A? Baro 2009 Cam Kit 16. “>the cn Fr el Ee) @ 2 Mapu Neptan HT nlf gro coup det scene 18) a smectic ong er 9 of estan cme 13) SSTESCTES pon col an abet an otra 5. S180 ede nly race ear 5 Bam rette nlite no Ta oan seeped Pare ween) + Movoerw ete 5 BSRER Ct tir atin nd tc owt 1 Biplinciman ee uerCaml nee «cps ty srg en tng tin than reel ihn natn gi ona pion An o: Litt enn de ston ems ep po) (Grated ea sage ab ace arc omy Supe pose i) + idspowc afte pate Analy * SSSR Each ately fen oes Catt Cha er pc ond Saar of er consonant «Fendi urns 2a) pane any poten rons ‘© Franco-Prussian war and capture of Napoleon Ill resulted in collapse of the 2" Empire & Rested ot rte nce pe ear dt rar an coma ap rar sion ten Vien @ re ae a i pe br cone nd sey ome ane « pale elt aly seer ea Law alison te Cle Cash Reena rf fea ame Cols agi oo, ae a at ast gcoribey «coon tanto acvneral cata se fy Se rae fas fae lyn Fa) Le ee aes ee ho Ng i ft Fase nal apa cere eae le Remap al cue Shean «tgp ait) Honey Sy Sr enum tae h os Sa ee erry el Sur ca hpi ep eo Ss Se ee eo eabetcinu caddis cca aoat uel got (onc Vee lnk) coe ee erreur cpg oy e © 2008 All Rights Reserves AP ure 2008 Cam Kit n ‘German Unification under the Hohenzollems ‘© Dating period ater 1815 Prussia emerged as an alternative toa Habsburg: based Germany (© Aittra had blocked the attempt of Frederick William IV of Prussia to unify Germany with Prussia and Austria a the leaders “Humiliation of Olmutz” + Zollverein (German customs union}: major source of tension between Prussia and Aust, ‘© Otto von BismsFk (1810-1898) led the drive for a Prussan-based Hohenzollem Germany (Junker heritage; quintessential example of Machiavellian politician (realpoti) (© "Gap theory” guined Bismarck’s favor with the king; advocated the king bypass the liberal rile clas inthe legislature to end a stelemate over an army bill ‘© “The great questions ofthe day will not he decided by speeches ...but by blood and iron + Prussian-Danish War, 1863: Germany defeated Denmark and took Sehleswig & Holstein ‘© Jointly administered by Prussia and Austria but conflicts over jurisdiction resulted in a war + Austro-Prussian War (German Civil Wet), 1866 ‘© Bismarck made diplomatic preparations for war with Austia by negotiating with France, Taly, and Russia for noninterlerence (©. Prussia defeated Austria and unified much of Germany without Austria (© 1867, North German Confederation established by Bismarck; King Wilhelm Is president + Tnchided all German states except Baden, Wurttemberg, Bavaria, and Saxony + Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) ‘o- Ems Dispateh: To provoke wa, Bismarck bossted a French diplomat had been kicked out of ‘Germany afler requesting William I not interfere with the suocession tothe Spanish throne (©. Bismarck used the war with France to bring southern Germany into the N. German Confed + May 1871, Alsace and Lorraine ceded By France to Germany + The German Empire proclaimed on January 18, 1871 (tast powerful nation in Europe) (© Wilhelm I bocame the Emperor of Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm) (©. Bismarck became the Imperial Chancellor. > Austro-Hungarian Empire: Ausglech ‘© Austria's defeat in the Austo-Prassian War significantly weakened the empire (©. Hungary gained its autonomy within the empire; had it's own monarch and government (© Austria and Hungary would cooperate in foreign policy issues but were separate regarding domestic issues. ‘THE AGE OF MASS POLITICS: 1871-1914 Ordinary people felt increasing loyalty to their governments (By 1914 universal male suffrage was the rule (female suffrage emerged ater WWT) (© Increase in literacy led to ® more educated electorate who frequently read newspapers, journals andather sources that made them more politically savvy fo Politicians and parties in national parliaments represented the people more responsibly as increased suffrage spread © Welfare stat emerged, frst in Germany, then in Britain, France and other counties ‘© Governments came to believe public education important to provide society with well- informed ani responsible citizens. © Governments offen led by conservatives who manipulated nationalism to creste a sense of unity and divert attention away from underlying class conflicts ‘Often channeled national sentiment in an anti-liberal and militaristic direetion after 1871 © 2008 All Rights Reserved

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