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As soon as I heard the first ring, the scenery around the phone booth began to shift.

Satan disappeared, and hells flames faded. Just like a bad sci-fi flick, I felt the booth moving at impossible speeds through some kind of dimensional shift. I was teleported to whiteness. As black as the Pit was, so the space around the booth was white. There were no walls or ceiling that I could tell, but when I stepped out from the booth, I stepped onto some sort of surface. I closed the door behind me, and the phonebooth disappeared. Hello? I heard my voice echo. God, are you there? No answer. I sighed. Its bad enough I had to ride in this clich, I thought out loud. Even in death I always get the same answer when I pray. THE TRAVELING PHONEBOOTH IS NOT CLICH, ITS CLASSIC, rumbled the voice of God. I froze. The voice hit me like a storm, but I couldnt move. I felt utterly helpless. KNOCK, KNOCK, What? I replied, recovering from shock. KNOCK, KNOCK. Uh, whos there? YOU, IN A BOX. HAHAHAHAHAHA... Laughter reverberated within my skull. Each ha rattled my bones. When the laughter finally subsided I had a splitting migraine. Knock-knock jokes? I havent heard those since grade school. LIKE I SAID, CLASSIC. Its not classic, its just old, I muttered. God, are you going to answer my questions or not? ASK, AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Why must I spend eternity in a box? ITS ONLY UNTIL THE SECOND COMING, God snickered. Before I could protest, another voice chimed in robotically. Your time has expired. Please deposit more credit or disconnect.

Suddenly, I could see the outlines of walls in the distance. The whiteness was closing in around me. I searched frantically for an escape, yet knew there wouldnt be one. As the walls of my cube once again caged me inside, I cried out to God in desperation. Answer me! Why?! Before the light disappeared, I heard a whisper: Because its funnier this way.

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