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GATT Standards for Judges A Legal Opinion By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D.

, Coif Member, United States Supreme Court Bar (C)Copyright (2012 C.E.) By Anthony J. Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C., and The American People and The People as a Public Domain Copyright. GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) provides that there can be no unreasonable restraints on trade regarding a service industry and the sale of goods. Now, in my opinion, any judge, to be qualified to be a judge, must have gone to an American Bar Association Law School, or its equivalent, and have graduated in good standing, and must have become a member of some Law Bar in some jurisdiction, and must have practiced law for at least two years. Law practice for purposes of this rule, includes being a law clerk, a law professor, or a Thus, GATT prohibits the appointment or the election of any judge who has It is an illegal restraint on trade to exclude, by unfair competition,

practicing lawyer.

not met the above criterion.

qualified lawyers from being judges, when, they are required to compete with politically connected non-lawyers who have no educational or legal competency to be a judge. Also, it is an illegal restraint on trade to have judged on the bench who know nothing about business or commercial law, deciding cases which could put in place irrational standard for the sale of goods and or employment of persons in a service industry. Of course, the same type of qualifications should apply minimum requirements for law professors as well. If a person has not graduated in good standing from an ABA accredited law school, I have developed a mental and legal competency test for the practice of law, which is a mini bar exam, which can be administered to

test competency for bar membership, being a judge or a law professor, and the practice of law.

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