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Universitatea tefan cel Mare, Suceava Facultatea de Inginerie Alimentar Specializarea: Ingineria Produselor Alimentare

Everything about chocolate

Is there anyone who doesnt like chocolate? Who can refuse a piece of chocolate? Nobody! The most loved and tasted dessert in the world is a very healthy nutriment. With one condition: to be consumed often but in small quantities. Officially, there are three types of chocolate. Dark or black chocolate has no milk. The BBC says that the European legislation doesnt recognize adjectives such as black or simple, witch are added to this type of chocolate. In order for a chocolate to be dark chocolate, it must contain at least 35% solid cocoa and at least 18% cocoa butter. Even so, the amount of cocoa can, and most of the time is, many times higher than that and it can reach up to 80% and even 85%. High quality chocolate has a bitter taste and is very flavored. Dark chocolate is healthy, and it is also a good source of antioxidants. Milk chocolate contains milk fats, powder milk or condensed milk, witch give a sweeter taste and a finer texture. Milk chocolate must contain a minimum of 20% of solid cocoa and 20% of milk including milk fats. White chocolate is technically not chocolate, because it contains no cocoa, just cocoa butter, sugar and milk. White chocolate must contain solid cocoa substances and cocoa butter for at least 14% and milk fats for at least 3,5%. About the calories contained by chocolate, we must say that the differences between the three types of chocolate are very small. The number of calories is given by the cocoa fats, milk fats and the added fats. The differences are given by the cocoa concentration and the sugar quantity. The most calories are found in the milk chocolate, 565 calories. Then comes the white chocolate, with 540 calories and then the dark chocolate with 65% cocoa, with 535 calories. The poorest in calories is the chocolate with 86% cocoa, containing 520 calories. Nevertheless, one square of chocolate has just 50-60 calories.

Profesor:lect dr.Colcel Onoriu

Student: Argatu Dumitria IPA II, grupa 2c

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