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EMOB: the most successful and dangerous

travel scam
EMOB = EXPEDIA Model Of Business (Electronic MOB)

If you buy a ticket for 1,249.95 U$D EXPEDIA will charge you a 5 U$D fee
and it will appear a total 1,254.95 U$D transaction in your credit card.

What if EXPEDIA fail to provide the service? What if EXPEDIA never arrange
your trip?

Who keeps that money? Do you think that the airline see that money? Do
you think EXPEDIA cheats people to make the airlines richer?

If the airline never sees that money then EXPEDIA can make a fortune by
simply selling something (tickets, rooms). Then, they just need to find an
excuse (or even lie or cheat you) to not provide the service and keep your
money. Read about the dirty tricks EXPEDIA can use to do that. IN FACT,
EXPEDIA used many of them when they tried to scam me. (Read my case ).

In my case the conclusion is pretty simple:

EXPEDIA failed to arrange my trip, then EXPEDIA lied to me = EXPEDIA tried

to scam me. Thus, EXPEDIA is a scammer and EMOB (EXPEDIA model of
business) had become the most successful scam for these reasons:

- People believe EXPEDIA is a honest company (until they are scammed)

- By running alongside a legitimate business, EXPEDIA can scam other
customers and make millions by cheating and scamming people.
- The media is reluctant to publish complaints about EXPEDIA probably
because they are afraid to lose the money they make by advertising
them (EXPEDIA spet ~ 170 M U$D in advertising).
- EXPEDIA has “friends” that help them to delete negative aspects about
them in the internet (read the wikipedia affair: )

No matter what EXPEDIA says it was an attempt to scam me. The funny
thing is that EXPEDIA failed miserably. They went the extra mile to try to
scam me 1,254.95 U$D but thanks to my credit card I could recover all that

Be careful, you (or your friends na drelatives) might be the next victim or lose thousands
of dollar due to their unethical business practice.

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