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Saturday 26 May 2012 25 18

city life

Hyderabad Chronicle


Samhitha Kasibhatta is no ordinary girl-abouttown. Its one thing that she cleared her SSC exams at age 11 and is being hailed as a child prodigy Her passion for . physics is prompting her to finish her education early, so that, she says, she can pursue research. Prof. Raman received the BA degree at age 16 and devoted his time to do research in physics. He is my inspiration, says Samhitha. Now that she has completed Class X, she wants to go for the Intermediate course this year itself. I am confident of clearing the Inter exams before I turn 13. Will the rules permit her to do so? Says father L.N. Kasibhatta, a software professional, There have been instances when the government gave special permission to child prodigies. We will submit an application to the government and the Inter Board next week. Lets see. Samhithas interests are varied and go beyond academics. She is fond of public speaking. She got on to the dais and held forth at age five. She spoke of social issues. While Dr Y.S. Rajashekar Reddy was impressed by her speech on Childrens Day in 2006; she won the appreciation of the president Prathiba Patel when she was just seven for a drawing on the them of terrorism. It, however, is not all work and no play for this little girl. She enjoys the company of her friends, finds time to sit and chat with them, and play a game or two. She enjoys watching cricket, movies and playing tennis. Mahesh Babu is my favourite actor, smiles the

Here are your responses to yesterdays Send him a message picture

girl. And despite the poor show by home team this season, Samhitha swears loyalty to Deccan Chargers. Samhitha also has a heart that matches her mind. She contributed her school fee to various charitable organisations, as she gets free education at Nalanda School, Vengal Rao Nagar.
NOT JUST A BOOK WORM Samhitha is the apple of her friends eyes in her colony, and (below) Samhitha with her father

not a Multitasking isyou arebad idea, but what if are driving? It simply means you not only playing with your life but with the life of others too, as is evident from the picture. How did we live when we didnt have mobile phone? Cant things wait a while, and cant we concentrate fully on riding/driving? Why is the police looking the other way? Kolli Gitika

Prof. Raman received the BA degree at age 16. He is my inspiration



fines people Simple mobilewont help authorusing phones while driving. Cops should have the ity to seize the SIM card, and or impose a hefty fine as well. Or, get erring riders/drivers, to stand in the hot sun and get them to text an apology to the traffic police, as we do with erring schoolchildren. Our life is precious, and no one should be allowed to play with it on the roads. Nithesh


know yourcity
ussainsagar popularly known as Tank Bund was built on a tributary of the Musi river, by Hussain Shah Wali, son-in-law of Ibrahim Qutb Shah, in 1562 AD, and hence it acquired the name. It receives water from Balkapur river which branches off from the Musi about 32 miles from Hyderabad. Hussiansagar links the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. It is about oneand-a-half miles long and covers an area of about eight square miles. A large Buddha statue adorns the Hussainsagar and the APTDC is maintaining the area as a tourist spot. (Written by D. Bhaskar Rao, curator , HEH Nizams Museum)



Love, they say, is very closely related to hate. Heres a column allowing you to share the two sides to your love for the city. Write to us on
People here are so warm-hearted and any kind of disturbance in the city is tackled with unity and the harmony is always r e s t o r e d . All cultures and religions are respected. Besides, no other place can beat the richness and flavour of the Hyderabadi cuisine. The increasing population is causing havoc on the roads. Though there are traffic rules in place, no one seems to follow them. Even footpaths are not spared and though citizens pay heavy taxes, the city is badly maintained. The city also needs more greenery .

hy do we not have the basic civic sense when we drive on the roads? For many, now it has become a fashion to flaunt a mobile to their ears while on the wheel, as if to make the point they are so busy and so important. And, messaging is another fad while on the road. A big thanks to DC for highlighting this menace. Why are the cops not bothered about these indulgences? E. S. Hari Kumar

are overconfident of People about theskills and not their driving bothered safety of themselves and of others. Almost everyone on the road has an earphone and God only knows what they cant help listening to. The traffic police should take a more serious note of this kind of activities, and severe punishment be given to the guilty . G.S.R. Krishna

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