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Case number one Erika Castro is a catholic girl; 20 years of existence she suffers a rare incurable disease called

purple. The doctors cannot do anything to remedy her sickness, and apparently it waits for a painful death for this girl who knows that her destination is written. A doctor asks her to accept the euthanasia in order that she dies without pain, she wants it but she told us that a priest said to her that only God can take her life. She doesn't know what to do.

Questions: 1. What do you think about the doctors request? 2. Do you agree with the priest argument? 3. Being a relative, what would you advise her?

Case number two Francisco Duarte, 30 years, he has worked as a doctor, recently he traveled to New Zealand where he met Emily Savic, a woman that in her past was a great business woman, but now she lost everything and then she realize that she had lived 11 years with untreated HIV infection. She asked the doctor to apply a lethal injection to ease his anxiety and let her to rest, the doctor agreed and gave euthanasia ending her stormy life, now Mr. Francisco was sentenced to 20 years in prison for homicide.

Questions: 1. What do you think about the doctor, did he do the correct? 2. Do you think euthanasia is a matter of will? 3. Being a judge, would you sentence Mr. Francisco? Or would you let him free?

Case number three This is a priest argument: There is never morally lawful the action that for his nature it provokes directly or intentionally the death of the patient Do you agree with this affirmation?

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