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Yoga and Ayurveda come from the same root (Samkhya ) and both go along the same path

, Yoga being more focused on the realization of the True-Self and Ayurveda being more focused on achieving an healthy life . On a therapeutically point of view the Yoga practices should be chosen according to the individual ayurvedic constitution ( Prakruti). Different practices have different effect on the Body Mind that can pacify or increase a particular dosha. Vata People Vata predominant really benefit from the asanas practices due to their tendency to become stiff. Their practice should be calm, slow, steady, grounding and strengthening. The sun salutation and any other vinyasa should be done slowly and consciously. They benefit a lot from the practice of calming pranayama (Nadi Shodan alternate nostril breathing ,and brahmmari ). At the end of the practice vata need a long shavasana ( 20 min.) or better a meditation practice. Pitta People of Pitta constitution need a cooling ,relaxing ,surrendering and gentle practice. They should not push themselves and avoid to be competitive. They need to be careful to not increase the body temperature too much ,they can still do strong practices but they need to compensate them with posture or pranayama that cool them down ( shitali ,shitkari and left nostril breathing) . Kapha Kapha constitution should choose the more dynamic form of yoga. Their practice should be stimulating, moving, warming and energizing. They benefit from strong practices with strong vinyasa. The pranayama also should be warming and energizing like kapalabhati , bastrika and right nostril breathing.. These are general consideration for the different doshic types. The particularities of the individual body structures and organic conditions are more important then the doshic type in asana practice. Further reading: Ayurveda: the science of self healing Dr. Vasant Led Yoga and Ayurveda -Dr David Frawley

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