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Name: Niah Sugiarti Nim : F12109033

Subject: Research Paper Analyze In the first part, the writers talk about understanding and aim of the researches. The writers expect the reader to know about the subject they talk about. They explain it in briefly. They try to give explanation about the title, the term, and where the writing is going to. The next part, they try to guide the reader involve in their writing. They give the reason why they choose the theme. Sometimes, it is affected by their own experience in life or it is based on their curiosity. For those reasons, the next step, they do the research based on their focuses. In this part, the writers try to keep the reader's backgrounds in mind. Comment I think background is about our first thinking in writing a thesis. It seems like basic of our idea to start a thesis. In background, it consists of an argument or a series of arguments combined with the description and discussion of research that researcher has taken. It involves a methodology that researcher used in doing a research. Researcher provides rational information for the research, so that the reader is persuaded that it will be useful or interesting. It usually also serves as frame which the reader reads the rest of the thesis.

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