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Requirements Toolbox Tool

Context Diagram
Introduction Shows the system as a whole in its environment. It defines what/who will interact with the system and the high-level of data/materials into/out of the system. Draw the system as a black-box, no details about what goes inside is shown. Surround the system with the terminators (a source or consumer of data) that interact with the system Add lines with an arrow for the data flows into/out of the system. Normally built and enhanced during brainstorming, interviews, and/or workshops. Situations in which the technique best applies When answering questions such as: What input does the system get? What outputs come from the system? What does the system interface with? The context diagram can help you address the big picture or scope of your system. Ellen Gottesdiener, Requirements by Collaboration, Addison Wesley, 2002. Planning and conducting workshops. In addition, Chapter 2 provides a good overview of Wiegers requirements process and a great discussion on which models are appropriate for different situations. Scott Ambler, Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and the Unified Process, John Wiley & Sons, 2002 Also: The Official Agile Modeling Site. An impressive set of links on modeling. Includes links to summary descriptions of a wide variety of modeling artifacts and essays on creating light-weight models and agile documentation. Construx seminar: Requirements Boot Camp Construx seminar: Object-oriented Requirements Analysis and Design Using the UML Construx seminar: Use Cases in Depth presented by Meilir Page-Jones

Key details of how to use the technique

Strengths Where to go for further information

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