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Daily requirements

iron infants: 10-15mg/day children: 15mg/day adolescent male: 18mg/day adult male: 10mg/day female <50: 18mg/day female >50: 10mg/day liver, meat, kidney, egg yolk milk- poor source of iron 10%; stomach, duodenum total body content: 5g 60% hb (3g) 5% porphyrin + protien : eg. Myoglobin, cytochromes oxidase, catalase, peroxidase stored as: ferritin, transferrin, hemosiderin 50-150g/dL

TRACE ELEMENTS copper 2-5mg/day

zink 5-15mg/day

fluorine 1g/L

iodine 100-150g/day

Sources Absorption Distribution

shellfish, liver small intestine by carrying protein total body content: 100150mg liver, muscles, bone Cu containing compound in body: cytochrome C oxidase, superoxide dismutase, enzymes, ceruloplasmin(30m/dL) 50-150g/dL 80-90% tightly bound to ceruloplasmin 10-20% loosely bound to serum albumin bile, urine, sweat, stool 1. metalloenzymes 2. iron metablolism 3. pigment formation;melanin 4. normal bone formation 1. copper : hypochromic anaemia, bone disorder, discolored hair 2. Wilson's disease: excess Cu in liver, brain, urinary excretion & lower serum Cu level

meat, liver, egg, fish duodenum by carrying protein total body content: 1.4-2.3g 20% skin pancreas, bone, teeth, prostate, eye bone, teeth


Plasma level


0.08-0.6g/dL average: 0.13g/dL

Excretion f(x)

feaces 1. cellular respiration as hb and tissue iron 2. stored form as ferritin, transferrin, hemosiderin and hb synthesis 1. iron : hypochromic microcytic anemia, protein bound iron, TIBC 2. iron toxicity: excess accumulation in tissue and skin (hemochromatosis), TIBC dt repeated blood transfusion, parental iron therapy

desquamated skin cells, bile, urine, sweat, stool 1. normal growth, reproduction 2. wound healing 3. storage, release insulin 4. normal hair, skin 5. proper fx of retina zink : impaired taste sensation, retarded growth, hypogonadism, impaired wound healing, night blind, abnormal skin, hair

kidney in urine 1. normal growth of bone, teeth 2. prevent dental caries 3. prevent osteoporosis 1.:dental caries, osteoporosis 2.: mottling, discoloration enamel of teeth 3. acute fluoride toxicity: inhibition of glycolysis, CAC dt inhibit enolase, aconitase enzymes biosynthesis of thyroid hormones


iodine : goiter. Esp. in desert and high mountain

*metabolism of iron

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