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The BEST Homemade Laundry Detergent Ever .according to the Attached Mama! (Read more at my blog http://theattachedmama.blogspot.

com/) Ingredients: 16 cups of baking soda 12 cups of borax* 8 cupts of grated soap** 3 tbsp of your favorite essential oils (optional) * BORAX Note: You will typically find borax in the laundry detergent aisle of most any grocery store of home goods store. Feel free to use the store locator on their website to find it.) **SOAP Note: --IF you are making your own laundry soap for environmental reasons, it is best to use a grated castile or glycerine soap. You can buy these soaps at locally at a health food store or online. --IF you are making your own laundry soap as a means of saving money, I have found that a regular bar of grated soap works just as fine. HOWEVER (and this is important) you want to buy the most plain and simple bar of soap that you can find. Anything that looks like it would be good for your skin will be bad or your laundry. You want to avoid anything with added moisturizers as they often leave a film on your clothes or laundry machine. I have found that the brands Ivory and Feliz Napa works best. Directions: 1) Grind or grate your soap. can grate the soap using a cheese grater. But I have found that Ivory soap grates VERY will in a food processor. Cut the soap up into small 1" cubes. (Ivory soap is very soft and easy to cut.) Then place it in your food processor one bar at a time and grind it up. Wash your food processor well after doing this. ;) 2) Mix the grated soap, baking soda, and borax into a large air tight container. (A wire whisk makes mixing very easy.) 3) Add the Essential Oils if desired. (If you are making this for purely budget reasons, you may want to skip the essential oils. It smells great without them. They are just a fun bonus.)

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