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Good Morning and Happy Week End Love is more effective than Anger.

One day Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was standing by the river Ganges with his disciples and, pointing to a boat moving upstream, he told this parable on anger. A boatman rowing upstream sees another boat, far off, moving downstream towards him. He shouts at the top of his voice. Hey, watch out! Change your course, look out! But the boat continues to rush towards him and, as it comes closer, he sees that there is nobody in the boat. Now, is he going to continue to yell at the boat to change its course? No, he is simply going to change his own course and steer around the onrushing boat. Ramakrishna said, the one who is angry is like a boat which has no captain. When you see there is no captain, steer away. Dont stand and throw words back at the boat in anger. Steer aside. Otherwise neither boat has a captain.

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