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Quick Note: These Microsoft Excel HotKeys were tested and found to work on both Microsoft Excel 2000

and Microsoft Excel 2007. Some, if not all, may also work with other versions of MS Excel.

Microsoft Excel HotKeys that Perform General Functions F1 Key to toggle the Excel Help Screen F2 Key to edit current cell F5 Key - to go to a specific cell F7 Key to toggle Spell Check command F12 Key - to save file as CTRL+A to select entire worksheet CTRL+B to toggle bold text CTRL+C to copy the item or items selected to the clipboard CTRL+V to paste copied item or items selected from the clipboard CTRL+F to display the find dialog box CTRL+H to display the replace dialog box CTRL+ I to toggle italic text CTRL+N to create a new file CTRL+O to open a file CTRL+P - to print a worksheet CTRL+S to save a file or spreadsheet CTRL+U to toggle underlined text CTRL+V - to paste the contents of the clipboard CTRL+X to cut the selected item CTRL+Y to redo the last undone action CTRL+Z to undo the last action CTRL+1 to display Format Cells Dialogue Box CTRL+5 to toggle strikethrough text

Microsoft Excel HotKeys for Selection

CTRL+Spacebar to select the entire column SHIFT+Spacebar to select the entire row CTRL+A to select entire worksheet SHIFT+Left Cursor to select all cells to the left of the active one SHIFT+Right Cursor - to select all cells to the right of the active one

Microsoft Excel HotKeys that Perform Movement across Cells

Left Arrow to move one cell left Right Arrow to move one cell right Up Arrow to move one cell up Down Arrow to move one cell down Home to go to end of row CTRL+left Arrow - to go to end of column CTRL+Home to go to top of worksheet (cell A1) CTRL+ End to go to end of worksheet CTRL+PAGE-DOWN to go to next worksheet

Microsoft Excel HotKeys for Executing Formulas

ALT+ = to toggle autosum ALT+F8 toggle macros CTRL+ ; - to insert current date CTRL+ : - to insert current time

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