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Why are these dates important?

5500 BC - Egyptians weave flax into Fabric 3500 BC - Horses Domesticated 3500 BC - Bronze Made 3250 BC - Paper Made of Papyrus Reeds 2900 BC - Great Pyramids Built 1792 BC - Hammurabi Conquers Mesopotamia 1400 BC - Iron Age in Near East 1375 BC - Akhenaton IV reins as Pharaoh 1184 BC - Troy Captured 508 BC - Athenian Democracy Established 289 BC - Ptolemy builds 1st Lighthouse 221 BC - Great Wall of China Built 144 BC - Aqueducts bring water to Rome 142 BC - First Stone Bridge with Arches 44 BC - Caesar Assassinated 27 BC - Octavian becomes 1st Roman Emperor 30 - Jesus of Nazareth Crucified

400 - Persians use first Windmill 700 - Chinese invent Gunpowder 820 - Algebra Invented 1066 - Tower of London Built 1096 - 1st Crusade 1163 - Work began on Notre Dame Cathedral 1168 - Oxford University Founded 1199 - Richard the Lionheart Dies 1215 - Magna Carta signed 1232 - 1st known use of rockets 1298 - Chinese develop canon 1314 - Great European Famine 1326 - Ottoman Empire Founded 1347 - The Black Death 1431 - Joan of Arc burned at the Stake 1450 - Printing Press Invented 1455 - War of the Roses Begins 1492 - Columbus discovers America

1519 - Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the Earth 1542 - Hernado De Soto explored the Mississippi 1587 - Roanoke Colony Founded 1588 - Spanish Armada defeated 1607 - Jamestown Founded 1618 - First African brought to America 1681 - Pennsylvania Founded 1775 - Lexington & Concord 1776 - Declaration of Independence signed 1783 - Treaty of Paris signed 1791 - Bill of Rights takes effect 1793 - Cotton Gin invented 1820 - Missouri Compromise 1861 - Fort Sumter Attacked 1863 - Battle of Gettysburg 1865 - Lincoln Assassinated 1876 - Telephone Invented 1849 - Gold discovered in California

1879 - Electric Light Invented 1885 - Worlds 1st Skyscraper built in Chicago 1903 - Ford Model A Car introduced 1903 - Crayola Crayons 1st introduced 1903 - Wright Brothers First Flight 1911 - Standard Oil Broken Up 1912 - Titanic Sinks 1914 - World War I 1920 - Prohibition Begins 1927 - Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic 1928 - Mickey Mouse 1st appears in Steamboat Willie 1929 - Stock Market Crash 1933 - New Deal Begins 1938 - Superman makes 1st appearance in Action Comics 1939 - Batman makes 1st appearance in Detective Comics 1939 - World War II 1950 - Korean War 1954 - Segregation Found Illegal

1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis 1963 - Kennedy Assassinated 1968 - MLK Assassinated 1969 - Moon Landing 1961 - Vietnam War 1986 - Challenger Shuttle Explodes 2001 - 9/11 2003 - Operation Iraqi Freedom

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