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GWT[GOogle Web Toolkit]:--[

com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/ tutorial/]-ref site ---------------------------1)Google Web Toolkit(GWT) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing c omplex browser-based applications. 2)its a goal to enable productive development of high-performance web applicatio ns without the developer having to be an expert in browser quirks,XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript . 3)GWT is used by many products at Google,including Google Wave and the new versi on of AdWords. 4)it's a opensourse & completely free GWT Tutorials:--------------1)Build a sample GWT Application 2)Client-Server Communiactio 3)I18N 4)JUnit Testing 5)Deploying Google App Engine ---------------------------------------module XML file :-------------------1)it contains the definition of the GWT module , the collection of resources that comprise[consist] a GWT appliaction or a share d package By default. 2)it inherits the core GWT functionality required for every project , you can sp ecify other GWT modules to inherit from 3)In the module XML file , you specify your appliaction entry point class. 4)In order to compile , a GWT module must specify an entry point. 5)If a GWT module has no entry point , then it can be only inherited by other mo dules. 6)it is possible to to include other modules that have entry points specified in their module XML files. 6)if so , then your module would have multiple entry points. 7)Each entry point is executed in sequence. Root Panel: ---------------------1)There is one more panel you need that is not visible in the user interface: a Root panel. 2)A Root panel is the container for the dynamic elements of your application. 3)It is at the top of any GWT user interface hierarchy. 4)There are two ways you can use a Root panel, either to generate the entire body of the page or to generate specific elemen ts embedded in the body. 5)The Root panel works by wrapping the <body> or other element in the HTML host page. By default (that is, if you don't add any placeholders in the host page) the Ro ot panel wraps the <body> element. However, you can wrap any element if you give it an id and then, when you call the Root panel, pass the id as a parameter. You'll see how this works in the next two sections when you do it for StockWatch er. RootPanel.get() // Default. Wraps the HTML body element. RootPanel.get("stockList") // Wraps any HTML element with an id of "stockList"

A host page can contain multiple Root panels. For example, if you're embedding m ultiple GWT widgets or panels into a host page, each one can be implemented inde pendently of the others, wrapped in its own Root panel.

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