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Verb Exercise

1. Underline twice all the verbs in the following sentences. a. Honey and Kitten were ignoring each other. action b. Honey was chasing her tail. action c. Kitten scratched Honey. d. Honey got mad at Kitten. e. Kitten had to run from Honey. f. Kitten barely escaped. g. Honey couldnt jump into the closet. h. Kitten teased Honey. i. j. Kitten fell asleep on the clothes. Honey forgot about Kitten.

k. When Kitten awoke she came down. l. When Honey saw Kitten, she sighed.

m. The excitement was over. n. Kitten played tag with her mouse. o. Honey chased her tail. 2. Circle all the helping verbs in the sentences above. 3. Box the main verbs in the sentences above. 4. Tell whether the main verbs are action or linking verbs.

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