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Chapter 7 VC-RA-Tv-RV-Pv-PA-LUNGS-PV-LA-Mv-LV-Av-A-BODY Xylem- water up Phloem- food down 3 Parts of Brain- Cerebrum, Cerebellum, & Brain Stem Open

& Closed Circulatory Systems Blood Vessels- Arteries,Veins, & Capillaries Pulse- systole/diastole- 100/60 Pacemaker- RA Blood: RBC (erythrocytes), WBC (leukovytes), Platelets (thrombocytes), & Plasma Chapter 8 Cancer: Oncogene- can induce cancer Cyclins- regulate cell cycle Proto-oncogenes- start cell division Tumor suppressor- stop cell division P53- corrects mistakes & causes apoptosis Errors in all = cancer Mitosis: Interpahse- G1 (growth), S (DNA synthesis), G2 (short growth) Mitosis- P (condense), M (middle), A (back), T (split) Cytokinesis- 2 new cells Chapter 9 Tancription - nucleus Translation ribosomes Dna-Rna-Protein DNA- TAC mRNA (codon) - AUG tRNA (anti codon) UAC mRNA codes for amino acids Initiation RNA attaches Elongation- makes mRNA Termination- End

Initiation P site of mRNA Elongation- continues at A site Termination (UAG, UAA, UGA) - Stops and releases polypeptide Errors: Frameshift, Insertion, Deletion Lytic Cycle- Attach, Penetrate, Replicate, Assemble, Release Chapter 12 Somatic 46/23 pair diploid Gametes- 23 haploid Meiosis- 4 sperm/1 egg (sex cells) crossing over Mitosis- all other cells identical daughter cells Nondisjunction- dont separate 21- Downs XXY- Klinefelters Meiosis 1 I,P,M,A,T,C = 2 diploid Meiosis 2 P,M,A,T,C = 4 haploid Mitosis- I,P,M,A,T,C = 2 diploid Chapter 13 X- linked recessive- moms- son father- daughter CB, hemophilia, MD AB blood had AB antigens but no AB antibodies HbA- no sickle cell Chapter 14 Essays: 1. There is no away to throw to You can never do merely one thing More insects = more animals that eat them & diseases Less trees = more CO2 2. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Bordetella pertussis is the bacteria that causes whooping cough. AIDs- lytic cycle, fever rash low T count, no cure- treatments slow & preventions Whooping cough- binary fission, coughing, vaccine/ antibiotics X Turners

5. Heart is a muscle- pumps blood to improve cholesterol & fat levels, reduce imflammation & fat, and keep vessels healthy. 17 parts

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