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The birthing tub, that is, Find why four mums chose unusual methods in their bid to have a positive labour experience. By BRTDGETTESEE

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d o n 't k n o w a b o u t y o u . B u t d u r i n g my pregnancy, I had no lack of enthusiasric friends p l y i . , g " _ . *i t h their "horlific" birth stories whether I wanted to hear them or not. Always, as they summed up thei:
most nobl e houl s of motherhood i ni ti ati on, they w oul cl advi se, "R emember, j ust go for the epi dur_al . l .he pai r.r,. not w orth i t." I w as pi qued. S "rdl f, chi l dbi rth, w hi ch rs a natul al process, can't be that scary. ri gl ,rt? In my quest to seek a ,,w orl d,, posi ti ve experi ence. I fbund a w hol e new fore ol w ho had sornethi ng ver.y di ff'el ent to say about O.f T",h:.., tl 'rei r l abours. f These w omen usecl w ords l i ke "rel axed,,, ,, free... "comfortabl e", "hi gh" and',w onder.l -u1,. to descri be thei r bi rthi ng experi ences. What w as thei r secret. I asked. P rayers, medi tati on, exerci se, doul as, deep breathi ng, a:r l ack of fear w ere some of the ansu,ers.

IT'S AB O UT VI SUALI SATTO N XI opted for hypnobirthing classesa couple of months before my baby was due. Developed by Marie Mongan in the 198os in the United States,this method focuses on bringing babies calmly into '--.: *'orld. Its philosophy is to allow women to birth at their
"- : r pac e, w i t h o u t u n n e c e ssa r y m e d ica l :-:en'ention and drugs, as long as the

w ork i n compl ete "each surge bri ngs


to make bi rthi ng

easi er", and

my baby cl oser to me." led me to welcorne my contractlons ,,on were my

This frame of mind

when they came. I felt that the contractions

side", helping to bring my baby to me. I didn't feel pain, just an intense urge to use the toilet when the surges came. My labour progressed very quickly. 'When we got to the hospi tal , I w as al ready 8cm di l ated, and I del i vered

:;c r's healt h i s n o t c o m p r o m ise d .

within the hour, using a birth stool. Unlike what we

have seen on television, I was never in a trance

it :men are taught to relax . ::n self-hypnosis, using : :eathing techniques and , :.--ralisations. Hypnobirthing inspired by Dr Grantly -:. l:ck-Read, who wrote the : - tk Childbirth Without Fear :. :he IgJos. Dr Read had .::nessed severalwomen give ::rth easilywithout painkillers, ..-.ich led him to study about ::in during childbirth. He ::,ncluded that fear causes the -::reriesleading to the uterus -t contract and become tense, : : e ating pain .

or asleep during self-hypnosis, but rernained alert and calm while talking to my doula. Finally, when my baby was ready to arrive, my doctor knelt on the floor to receive him ashe slipped out of me.
While there rnay be no scientific ways to measure if hypnobirthing feel pai n, D i ann mums actually

B ustamante, w ho runs says that medical increasingly

courses for Parentlink, professionals

here are becoming

Bridgette Seechose Igpnobirthing but remained andclam olert during labour. her

receptive to the idea. "Several doctors have referred mums to

us for hypnobirthing classes," said Diann, who is also a doula. She

has taught over IOo couples and attended the births gO. A bout of

\\-hen women are relaxed, :::e cervix thins out naturally, while the body 'rulsates rhythrnically and expels the baby . : : h ease. " During a hypnobirthing session, Ginny i:rang, my doula from Fourtrimesters, asked :::e if there was anything "in the way" of rny :::ildbirth. I revealedthat I was scaredof my :rrineum tearing, thanks to an aunt's persistent ;laring ofher scary labour stories in the past. Ginny asked rne to visualise those thoughts and put ::.em into balloons. We then releasedthem, one by one, ::rro the imaginary sky. This was an exercise that I would :eDeat on my own, to "let go" of those fearful thoughts that ::'uid become mental blocks to mv childblrth. BA BY ' S O N YOUR SIDE +Anot her us ef ul s k ill was ':re power of self-affirrnation. Just as athletes visualise : i e i r w inning fin ish es, mo t her s c an als o v is ualis e :asr'. cornfortable births. Twice a day, for two months, - -istened to a hypnobirthing CD that helped me to ,,I . : s u alise my ba by's a rriva l, r epeat ing v er s ess uc h as :eel confident, safe, secure and relaxed", ,,my muscles

/o per cent of

these mums are l ocal .

SandraSchaller feels her water birth wasa gentlertransition into theworldfor herbab1,
Julius. Sheremained relaxed eaen when the contractions came.

A WA R M WE L C O M E ', . I f s e l f _ hypnosis is not your cup of tea, you could also try a water birth, where you labour in a tub ofwarm water and deliver baby while immersed in it. The
water soothes, relaxes and comforts it also reduces body weight, allowing more freely and iabour promote Only Alvernia blood labouring mothers; to move is said to the woman This

in various positions.


and is hence less painful. Hospital to birth u.ri Morrrrt their babies in her son Tulius at I

the National Hospital



water. Sandra Schaller,

!3, who delivered

t G


P R F:G ${Ar * C

wanted to go without drugs, thus both

"In the warm water, I felt protected, c arried a n d j u s t c o m f o r ta b le . An d when t h e s u r g e s c a m e , I fe lt r e la xe d .,, Although Sandra felt some pain during c h i l d b i r t h , s h e sa id it wa s

while he used to attend to between o n e a n d th r ee such cases a vear. the average is now four. Most of the mums who opt for a water b ir th a r e e xpats. "I would say at least +o per ce n t o f m y p ati ents have bi rth pl ans with alternative delivery options,,, said Dr Tseng. ,'My numbers are skewed towards this because they are referred to me by word of mouth. But anecdotally, other gynaecolosists are

t o h a v e a d r u g _ fr e e b ir th . to o f e w w o m e n u n d e r sta n d th e_ef f ec t s o f d r u g s o n t h eir b a b ie s,,, said t he ki n d e r g a r t e n t e a ch e r . ,,J " I t hink

det ermine d

Sport psychologist Trudi Bannister, 36, had been all set for a natural, drug_ free water birth at home rn September last year. But baby Marcus re main ed in a breech position, despite all her e fforts to tu rn hi m around. "Our breech baby was born naturally. After quite an emotional
t o th e id e a o fa b r e e ch birt h at t h e h o s p i t a l , , ' T r u di r e ca lle d . Afte r reading up and speaking to a woman with a similar experience, the couple decided to t ry a na t u r a l b r e e c h b i rth . " O ur week , we s u r r e n d e r e d

at-home mom V anessa T she w oul d never have ,to' childbirth

S taY tt' w as sure that

* up stening," _jl"'.1J,T:::1lj li r..

experience. It was onlywhen she Childbi"rf Uy.Ju.t l.".

read Superna tural

that she found the courage to do so. The book talks about placing faith in God to have a fearless delivery. Vanessa, who did not tai

hu,,*,r.. ,,, fact,""0l',llJ.T;tj# i" births. In her

G" tI 1a
.- .

second child. Naomi Nguyen, was born inJuly Zoog at home becauseit all" "happened so quickly.,,

birth, as long as he could see that I could handle it and that the baby,s health would not be compromised,,, said Trudi. For the Bannisters, beingweli informed gulr. ,tr.,tr. confidence to attempt the natural birth, without fear or apprehension.

having d.,s_f*." ;;j:::,..-, " breech

doctor was ver.


-.-_,-sr \.uy/ aes a breechbab2 but mum Trudi Bannister gaue birth naturallt; Noomi w as born at home.

and trust i n God, and I di dn,t panic so there was no fear or pain. A doctor friend even e_mailed me asking what my secret is for such a pai n_{ree del i very.,,

a l s o s e e i n g r n o r e o fsu ch p a tie n ts and they are learning how to

MA K E A B IR TH P LA N A bi rth pl an i s a coupl e's w ay of communic ati ng with medical staff on the sort of labour they would like to have, for instance, stating clearly that you want a drug-free birth, or that they want to walk and

c o p e w i th th e ir n e e d s."

T RADIT ION * So m e couples are even bringing the experience of

labour in various positions instead of being strapped down to the bed.There are plenty of resources online to help you draft your birth plan. Drafting the plan is an empowering act as it requires a couple to actively plan and participate in the childbirth process. CH OOS E TH E R IGH T GY N A E D o your homew ork before deci di ng on a

doctor. Remember you can switch to a doctor who is supportive of your birth plan.Whatever your choice, always keep your doctor informed if you are taking


right into

their homes. Dr Lai FonMin, who is probably the only gynaecologist who
attends to home births, says t h a t h e se e s a b o u t I2 ca se s every year. The rnajority ::e expatriate j: r:n countries of his clients

natural birth classes and would prefer a natural birth. HIR E A D OU LA A doul a i s trai ned to gi ve mothers physi cal ,emoti onal and

informational support before, during and just after birth. She does not deliver the baby, but helps the couple prepare and carry out their birth ptan, staying with the mother throughout the labour. Most hospitals now allow doulas to

attend births, while some doctors may even request that you hire one if you are planning a water or home birth. TRY A COURSE Both Fourtrimesters and Parentlink offer hypnobirthing

rnums who corne where midwife-lead Du e to th e

classes and doula support services.The classes range from 9450 to $500 for group classes,with discounts available. Both companies also offer doula support from $ | ,300 to $ I ,700, which includes antenatal visits, a doula on-call two weeks before your due date, a written breastfeeding support. record of your birth story, postnatal visits and

- . , : r e b i r t h s a r e co m m o n .

: : 1 c u n t o f t i m e th e d o cto r sp e n d s a t :::h i:: h o u s e c a l l , th e la b o u r fe e s ( wh ich n o t c o v e r e d by M e d isa ve ) a r e m u ch

- -iher, about double that of a normal - -rpital delivery. \Iy philosophy is to empower th a n i n our ow n home," sai d S hi reen. ' AIso, bei ng spi ri tual peopl e, w e

saysDr Tseng, who is now writing a book on ho* to support mothers during their childbirths. He has observed that women who opted for "alternative" birthing methods were less likely to suffer frorn postnatal depression. "Even if they did not succeedin their quest, the act of trying alone was a triurnph in itself," he explained. This I can vouch for, as I was on a "high" for days, recounting my hypnobirthing experience to friends, whose first questions had been "so did you succumb to the epidural?" All the women I have spoken to share the same elation and ernpowerment. I believe that if more women start listening to such positive childbirth stories, they will have a lot less fear about the most natural and beautiful thing that their bodies were created to do. EE

: : : 1 e n t o m a k e d e cisio n s o n th e ir ::hs that they are comfortable rrder with

believe that the energies of a place are very important to the reception

to achieve a positive birth

r'.:e rien ce ," sai d Dr Lai. Horne births represent a :-rle option for couples who are
:-;omfortable . ironment." with the hospital Dr L a i e xp la in e d th a t Iabour and

o f a new soul ." They engaged D r Lai and doula Ginny worked together Phang who

to help the couple huppy, that they

achieve the "safe, natural, short and healthy birth" had envisioned.

-:,ng as the pregnancy,

To be extra safe, they

:: opt for home births.

rnothers -:.'ery are uncornplicated, "No special

r e n te d an oxygen tank i n case thei r baby needed initial resuscitation.

- : : : ^ i r i e s a r e n e e d e d ," sa id Dr L a i. ' ,', :,men have been delivering at home - : - . e t i m e i r n r n e mo r ia l." S r n g a p o r e a n Sh ir e e n . : - - - u m i h a r d j a , 3 { , d e live r e d h e r b o y - .:;:: i at horne in early August ::,: last

T H E B E A U TY OF B IR TH ' ' . Whether it is a hypnobirth, water birth, home birth or any other kind
o fb ir thi ng experi ence, the key to a is when wornen positive encounter

S h e a n d h u sb a n d He n ky h a d co u r se , a n d

have a say in what they want. "I thi nk the most i mporrant thi ng to

. - - : : : d e d a h y p n o bir th in g .:::

r h e n i n s p i r e d to h a ve a h o m e "We : :',r. thought, what better and - - : : n a t u r a l w a y to we lco m e o u r ch ild

that mums want is the opportunity have a labour

that they want and not


be rnanaged in just one specific way,"


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