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How variant configuration is used in implementation project?

Give me an example 1) Create a Material - KMAT type with Item category (002) 2) Create Characteristics in CT04 3) Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND 4) Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 (Type 300) in characteristics tab page. 5) Then go to CU41 Configuration profile, select the material and enter the description. Click on the class assignment and assign class. 6) Now go back to CT04 - enter Char - go to values - select a value- go to extras Other Dependencies - create Procedure and save. 7) Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship (by default it will come just save) 8) Now select another value - go to extras - Other Dependencies - Editor - create Procedure and save. Now go back go to extras - Other Dependencies - assignments and assign relationship (by default it will come just save) 9) Now go to VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition) (For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) enter variant value-1 and value-2, give the rates accordingly and create the sales order.

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