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Exam 2 Slide Review

Chapter 2.1

2.2 Leonardo da Vinci, Studies of the Fetus in the Womb, c1510-13, pen and ink, chalk on paper

2.11 Edgar Degas, The Tub, 1886, pastel on paper

2.8 Kathe Kollwitz, Self Portrait in Profile to the Left, 1933

2.14 Vincent van Gogh, Sower with Setting Sun, pen and ink, 1888

Chapter 3.6

3.120 Brunelleschi, Dome of the Florence Cathedral, 1417-36, Italian Renaissance

3.127a Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434, Northern Renaissance

3.137 Donatello, David, 1430

3.138 Michelangelo, David, 1501-4, Italian Renaissance

3.139 Bernini, David, Baroque 1623

Chapter 3.8

3.184 Picasso, Les Desmoiselles dAvignon, 1907, Cubism

3.189 Kandinsky, Improvisation #30 (Canons), Expressionism

3.191 Hugo Ball, Performance of Karawaru at Cabaret Voltaire, Switzerland, 1916, Dada

3.204 Jackson Pollock, Mural, 1943, Gestural Abstract Expressionism

3.206 Andy Warhol, Thirty Are Better Than One, 1963, Pop Art

3.211 Joseph Kosuth, One and Three Chairs, 1965, Conceptual Art

Chapter 4.5

4.76 Andrea Mantegna, ceiling of the Camera degli Sposa, Ducal Palace, Mantua, Italy

4.84a Julian Beever, Woman in Pool, 1992, colored chalk

4.85 Chuck Close, Fanny/Fingerpainting, oil on canvas, 1985

4.86 Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere,1882 , oil on canvas

Chapter 4.11

4.162 Frida Kahlo,The Two Fridas, 1939, oil on canvas

4.163 Rembrandt, Self-Portrait with Saskia in the Scene of the Prodigal Son in the Tavern, 1635, oil on canvas

4.166b Orlan, Fourth surgery performance entitled Successful Operation, December 8, 1991, Paris

4.172 Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893, casein and tempera on cardboard

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