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Sustainable development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations

to meet their own needs. Sustainable development Sustainable development is defined as balancing the fulfillment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment. Story of Stuff The 3 videos talks about all the products that we produces and the cycle of life that they going thru from extraction to production, distribution of consumption and disposal. All that is what is called economy of materials. It show us that the human es is main factor of this system and with this system in crisis that is hitting the limits that we have. People are destroying the planet that is what is called extraction And we had lost to be cutting trees, etc.. We are running out of resources, we used a lot more of our share. All that the human being created contains toxins and therefore hurts us. Many industries leave products like pollution. Then comes the distribution and each day is that our planet is worse Because we buy products and we do not know where they end these products. Recycling helps with this great problem, but not enough. He says we need to create a new system that does not dispose of natural resources or people And this system already exists and is based on sustainability and equality and that together we can achieve.

Nos muestran que el es humano es el factor principal de este sistema y que este sistema esta en la crisis golpeando y acabando con los recursos que el planeta nos proporsiona. La gente est destruyendo el planeta que es lo que se llama extraccin y habamos perdido para la tala de rboles, etc. Nos estamos quedando sin recursos, se utiliz una mayor cantidad de nuestra parte. Todo lo que el ser humano ha creado contiene toxinas y por lo tanto nos duele. Muchas industrias deja productos como la contaminacin. Luego viene la distribucin y cada da es que nuestro planeta es peor, porque nosotros compramos

los productos y no sabemos donde van a parar estos productos. El reciclaje ayuda a este gran problema, pero no lo suficiente. l dice que tenemos que crear un nuevo sistema que no dispone de los recursos naturales o de personas y este sistema ya existe y est basado en la sostenibilidad y la igualdad, y que juntos podemos lograr.

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