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13 June 2012

Different sex, same God? Same sex, different God!

The Editor: It is quite revealing that not one religious leader in Trinidad and Tobago has spoken out in support of equal civil rights for homosexual persons. Instead, the recent statements about gay rights from Christian and other religious spokespersons show that these so-called moral leaders are incapable of moral reasoning.

The Roman Catholic Archbishop, Joseph Harris, has called on citizens not to tolerate homosexuality because If we facilitate sinful structures, which are against Gods law, we are teaching our young people that its okay to lead a sinful life. The Archbishop leaves out the fact that Gods law also calls for punishment of homosexual acts by death. He also ignores the fact that, in societies which have accepted homosexuality legally and culturally, young persons are less violent, less likely to have children as teenagers, and less likely to contract STDs.

The Lawyers for Jesus group, similarly, mire themselves in contradiction by saying that the government should do what is best for all, but deny gay person equal rights. Do we go against nature itself? spokesperson Roma Paul asked, committing both the naturalistic fallacy of assuming that whatever is natural is moral and showing scientific ignorance of the fact that homosexual acts are common in several other species of animals.

Moral reasoning is based on the Golden Rule Do not do unto others that which you would not have done unto you. These religious believers would strongly object, and rightly so, if their right to a job or to equal treatment in a hospital or a court of law was circumscribed because of their religious beliefs. But they want those same rights to be denied to a group of persons because of sexual orientation. Trinidad and Tobago Humanist Association

FYI Only: Communications & Information: Shane Collens (868) 624-8248 Trinidad and Tobago Humanist Association c/o 4 Hillcrest Avenue, Cascade Trinidad and Tobago

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