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1. Put disjunctive questions to the sentences:

1) I shall go to my girlfriend on Monday, ________________________?
2) We learnt these words, _______________________?
3) You have already received my letter from Spain,
4) There are many mistakes in the dictation,
5) There were five books on the table, ________________________?
6) She is a worker of this university, _____________________?
7) We write, read and speak English during the lesson,
8) You don't speak French, _______________________?
2. Answer the following disjunctive questions:
1) You will object to such actions, wont you? (agree)
2) Jack works hard, doesnt he? (disagree)
3) You will not go there, will you? (disagree)
4) You havent been to Moscow yet, have you? (agree)
5) He loves animals, doesn't he? (disagree)
6) Someone has broken the window, haven't they? (agree)

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