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AFTER THE PARTY Karen Matt Karen Matt Karen Matt Karen Matt Karen Matt Karen Matt

Karen Matt Wow! What a mess. Are all of these things ______? No, they're things people forgot when they left the party last night. Well, I'm looking for ______ jacket. Is this jacket ______? No, that's not ______. ______ jacket is blue. I guess that's Felipe's. No, it's not ______ Felipe's jacket is gray. Oh, well. Wow! Look at those DVDs. Whose are they? I think they're your parents'. Yeah, these are ______. We borrowed them when we were at ______ house last weekend. Oh, yeah, right. Hey, whose CDs are these? Are they Jan's? No, they're not ______. Can't you read? They say "Andy". No, I cant. I lost ______ glasses, too! Wait a minute. Is this ______ jacket? Yes, thanks! You're amazing. Now, do you think you can find ______ glasses?

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