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The Density multiplied with the area of the shape is the mass of the object.

So you decice how heavy the object will be here. Bounce is the elasticity of an object. An object with bounce=0.0 does not bounce , one with 1.0 is repelled completely from other objects. Set it to 0.3 for the apple. Friction is the value which contols how objects slide on each other. A value of zero would make an object slide better than on ice. Objects slide less with high er values. Set it to 0.5. IsSensor tells the object to detect but not to participate in collisions. That m eans that you'll get collision information but the complete scene behaves as if the object is not there. Group sets groups for collision - only objects of the same group can collide. Bit's name, Cat. (Category) and Mask also control the collision behavior of obje cts. The object's Category value defines what the object is, the object's Mask v alue tells it what it can collide with.

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