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Kenny Santos Guerrero 1 NUR 7 Glittering Generalities:

2 / 26 / 12 English II

Glittering Generalities is a type of propaganda technique that surrounds products with attractive, yet sneaky or slippery words or phrases that we wouldnt usually think of. Its a type of technique that uses vague terms which may hold different meanings to different people, but usually when used it portrays positive feelings toward the given subject. The reason I chose this cartoon ad as an example of glittering generalities is because of the Obama ads Yes We Can slogan, catchphrase. Sure the ads slogan Yes We Can might sound nice, and uplifting, but if one were to actually look at the slogan closely and think about it, what does the phrase Yes We Can actually mean? sometimes whenever I see this in my mind I picture myself asking President Obama himself, Yes We Can What?, what are we going to do, and why can we do it, and who is this we that youre talking about. The ads slogan is just to vague, if one were to actually thing about it, but nevertheless its an example of a glittering generalities propaganda due to the fact the people fall for this political ads slogan and it gives one them a positive impression of this presidential candidate, or former presidential candidate, because hes currently the President of the USA, which proves its effectiveness.

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