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Volunteer Covenant 2012-2013

The calling of God to teach a child in GraceKids is a high and holy calling. Through prayer and study, God equips us to carry out the responsibilities of being an instrument in leading children to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In responding to this call, please commit yourself to the following and then return and sign the covenant

As a GraceKids Volunteer, I am committed to the church.

I will attend worship service regularly I will use only approved curriculum and resources when teaching the children I will frugally use the resources provided and will see that all supplies and equipment are taken care of and stored properly after each class.

As a GraceKids Volunteer, I am committed to the children.

I enjoy children and desire for them to know of Gods love. I will prepare my heart by reading the lesson prior to coming to serve on Sunday. I will pray for the children in my class that they may know Gods presence in their lives. I will not intentionally engage in any activities that may endanger the safety or wellbeing of the children in my care. I will participate in at least one training event during the year to improve my teaching knowledge. I will communicate regularly with parents on Sunday mornings and encourage their participation in GraceKids.

As a GraceKids Volunteer, I am committed to my ministry.

I will be faithful in attendance and arrive at least 20 minutes before the service starts. If I must be absent, I will contact the Childrens Ministry Leader, if I cannot find a sub. I will pray for the members of the ministry team regularly.

Volunteer Bill of Rights

1. Right to thorough and effective training

2. Right to continuing education, information about new programs and opportunities 3. Right to an orderly, clean and growth filled place to serve 4. Right to be heard, to feel free to make suggestions and to have respect shown for an honest opinion 5. Right to service reflection, recognition, expressions of appreciation, Christian love and fellowship

Ten Commandments of Service

Make sure you serve with joy and seek opportunities to share your positive service experience with others. We want you to find your unique place of service in the body of Christ, one in which you grow spiritually and find great joy!


Your relationship with the Lord is your top priority. Service is an outgrowth of that relationship. Seek balance in your life by properly prioritizing your relationship with the Lord, significant relationships, and service.

Seek to serve according to your passion for ministry and spiritual gifts. When you are operating in your God-appointed place of service, others notice as they see you serving with gladness. Positive energy and enthusiasm are contagious.

You are on the Lords team! Seek to view others through the eyes of Christ, loving one another, just as you love yourself.


Words either build others up or tear them down. Choose to encourage others. If difficult conversations are necessary, remember to offer constructive feedback in private, praise in public.

Make the words thank you the most commonly used words in your vocabulary

7. VALUE THE TIME OF OTHERS! Be punctual. Being organized shows that you value others as you do yourself. 8. BUILD ONE ANOTHER UP!
In the body of Christ, we are called to encourage others and build one another up. Let no disparaging remarks come from your lips.


Teach and mentor other volunteers about your service role. That way, when the Lord leads you into another area of ministry, transitions will go smoothly.

When you hear the Lords call We are counting on the fact that your relationship with Him is a top priority and because of that you are seeking His voice and will for your life. If you feel called to a new area of ministry, we will applaud your service and seek to help you make a new service connection.

In obedience to Gods call, and after prayerful consideration, I commit to volunteering in GraceKids and ministering to the children of Grace Community UMC. I assume certain responsibilities and expect to be held accountable. I will honor the goals, rules and regulations of the ministry. I will keep confidential matters confidential. I interpret volunteer to mean that I have been accepted as a partner-in-service and I expect to serve according to the same standards as childrens ministry staff. I promise to take an attitude of open mindedness, to be willing to be trained, and to bring to it interest and attention. I believe that my attitude toward service should be professional, as I am serving for the Lord. I believe that I have an obligation to my service role, to those who direct it, to those for whom I serve, and to the congregation, for it is a privilege to be in ministry for Christ. I acknowledge that for WaumbaLand and UpStreet volunteers the commitment is August 2012 May 2013. For Nursery/Toddler volunteers, Childrens Check In/Greeters, the commitment is from August 2012 August 2013. I acknowledge that I have read and agree to follow the Child Protection Policies of Grace Community UMC and the policies of GraceKids. Being eager to contribute all that I can to the goals of childrens ministry, I accept this covenant, to be followed carefully and cheerfully, as if serving the Lord Himself.

Volunteer Name: ______________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date:_______________

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