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IHL: International Humatanian Law Applies during war Applies to those who are involved Applies to soldiers, military

ary forces, government and commander HRL: Human Right Law Applies all the time Applies to everyone Applies to government and everyones boss (Excluding parents)

ICRC (All countries) Story line:One day, Henry Dunant was on the way to meet the king Emperor Napeolion III. It was during the war and everyone was killing each other. So Henry had to hide along the way to avoid from being hurt. While he was hiding, he saw people laying on the ground, hurt and injured. He felt sad and wanted to help them as hes a kind hearted person. So, Henry decided not to look for the king and started to help them. He brought them to an empty house and called the women in the village to help them. The women agreed but they do not have enough supplies. Henry then went back to his hometown, Geneva. He wrote a book named UN SOUVENR DE SOLFERINO. Inside the book, it stated that every country must set up a volunteer group who are protected to aid the people in war. And so the book was published in 1862, the idea to help people is also born. He then find the citizens of his country and created ICRC, the first international organization that helps people. And then, they have the first meeting, it was about the four Geneva Convention.

First: To help the wounded and sick in field. Second: To help the wounded and sick in sea. Third: To help the prisoners of war. Fourth: To help the civilians in the armed conflict.

The duty of ICRC members: Bring medical assistant and relief to the civilians. To visit prisoners of war. To forward family messages and reunite families. To teach the rules of Geneva Convention.

IFRC: International Federation of Red Cresent Commitee of Five: Gustave Moynior (President of IFRC) Henry Dunant (Setted up IFRC) Henry Dufour Louis Appia Theodore Maunoir

Main Symbols

Red Cross (For non-Muslim countries)

Red Cresent (For Muslims countries)

These three are called emblem.

Red Crystal (For Isreal country only)

P/S: If you are wearing or there is a Red Cross sign on the building, it means that the enemy cannot kill you or bomb the building.

Recognized emblems in disuse

The Red Lion And Sun

Unrecognized emblems

The Red Star of David (Magen David Adom)

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