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Statement by UK Organizations with regards to the ethnic cleansing of Burmese and

Arakanese (Rakhine) by the extreme terrorist Rohingya Bengali aliens

13 June 2012
We the signators below condemn the burtal violent killings, lootings and burning of villages of Buddhist
Burmese and Arakanese (Rakhine) by the so-call Rohhingya Bengali Muslims. These so-called
Rohingyas are illegal Bengalis who entered from Bangladesh. These so-called Rohingyas have killed
Buddhist Rakhine (Arakanese), and Burmese. Maungdaw Township, located in western Burma, borders
Bangladesh is now occupied by 98 percent Bengali Muslims. On June 8th, 2012, the so-called Rohingya
Muslim Bengalis torched and killed Buddhist Rakhine (Arakanese), and Burmese minorities, who were
living peacefully in Maungdaw Township. Also Buddhist villages were burned, Buddhist households
were plundered and Buddhist monasteries were destroyed. There Buddhist Burmese and Arakanese
(Rakhines) are having to hide to escape the attacks by the so-called Rohingyas. According to the reports
reveived not only were there over (20) villages burned to ashes by the so-called Rohingyas Bengali
Muslims, but they also searched and killed Buddhist Rakhines (Arakanese) and Burmese. According to
the latest news, dozens of Buddhist Rakhaings (Arakanese) and Burmese have been killed and
thousands have fled.
We strongly condemn the brutal actacks made by the so-called Rohingya.
We demand President U Thein Sein to protect the lives and belongings of the Buddhist Burmese and
Arakanese (Rakhines), in a decisive manner.
We demand the government of Burma to take a clear and decisive path to the prevention of unlawful
entry, ethnic cleansing, and violent acts perpetrated by the so-called Rohingya Bengali Muslims.
We encourage all elected parliamentary members to oppose the unlawful demands for Burmese
citizenship made by the so-called Rohingyas who have entered illegally.
We appeal to Burmese democratic organizations, and ethnic groups, to vehemently condemn the actions
committed by the so-called Rohingya terrorists.
We seek to persuade the Burmese media abroad to stop their bias reports in support of, and praise of,
the so-called Rohingyas.
We demand, and request, that the international media stop reports which are only in support of the socalled Rohingyas.
We request the international community stop their support of the so-called Rohingya extremist
We demand the so-called Rohingya to refrain from claiming to the world that they are a Burmese ethnic
Let it be known the Rohingya issue is not a Human Rights violation in Burma but an unlawful trespass
by Bengali Muslims.
We, the undersigned, heartily welcome the clear and decisive statements made below by leaders of the
88 Generation Students with regard to the so-called Rohingyas;
We support the following comment made by 88 Generation Students;
We warmly welcome working hand-in-hand together with all democratic forces, and the military of
Burma, to solve the Rohingya issue as a national crisis.
We support the following comment made by 88 Generation Students;

During our National Reconcilation period in our country, we have been patiently avoiding the
Rohingya issue. But to make it clear, regarding this Rohingya matter, that Rohingyas are absolutely
not a nationality of Burma. We absolutely do not accept the interfering intrusion by the international
community into the MaungdawButhidaung incident without their full understanding of the domestic
affairs of Burma; we consider it to be a violation to the sovereignty of our country. We will not agree
to, nor comply with, nor accept them as destitute refugees, nor placate and appease the pressures of
the international community. If the pressures persist we, and the democratic forces, will work handin-hand with the Myanmar military to resolve this as our National Affair issue.
We support the following comment made by 88 Generation Students;
The incident we have now is not an issue between Burmese Muslim and Buddhists. It is insidious to
characterize this as an issue of race or religion. The suffering of Rakhine (Arakanese) ethnics for
many years must be deeply considered. We have endured this Rohingya issue for a long time. While
working hard during the time of the National Reconciliation Period, we, the 88 Generation Students,
have with the utmost patience avoided many arguable matters, unless they were unavoidable. Now
let's be clear about the Rohingya. Rohingyas are not a nationality of Burma. We consider the
Maungdaw-Buthidaung incident to be a matter of Rohingyas crossing the border illegally encouraged
by foreign players. We consider the involvement of the international community regarding Rohingya
matters, without the full knowledge and understanding of Burmese nationals, to be directly damaging
to our country.
We appeal to the world leaders, and the international media who respects the truth, to join us in
condemning the ethnic cleansing, burning of villages, looting of personal possessions--and land--of the
Buddhist Rakhine (Arakanese), and the Burmese people, by the so-called Rohingyas.
We encourage all citizens of Burma to work together as a nation in combating the aggression of the
extremist terrorist Rohingyas.
Participating organizations:

International Burmese Monks Organization (IBMO)

Burmese Christian Society in UK

Arakan League for Democracy Exile (ALD-UK)

National League for Democracy (NLD-LA-UK)

88 New Generation Students (UK)

Oxford Burma Benefit Fund

Shan Progressive Society

Chin Democratic Community

Burmese Students in UK

Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)




International Burmese Monks Organisation (IBMO)

Burmese Christian Society in UK
Arakan League for Democracy Exile (ALD-UK)
National League for Democracy (NLD-LA-UK)
88 New Generation Students (UK)
Oxford Burma Benefit Fund
Shan Progressive Society
Chin Democratic Community

Burmese Students in UK
Burma Democratic Concern (BDC)

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