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Coat of Arms Contest Rules 1) Each participating student is assigned a number that is drawn from a hat.

2) Each student is given a sheet of paper. They must write their number in the upper left hand corner of the paper and circle it. 3) Teacher makes master list of numbers with corresponding names. 4) Judging is based on 3 categories, with 1 - 10 points given for each individual category. 30 points is the maximum that a student can receive. 5) Categories: a) Design. How does it look? b) Story. Is it interesting? Original? Does it conform to the assigned framework? c) Presentation. Did you understand what was said (in English and Romanian)? What was your overall impression? 6) Secret ballot (Draw example on board). Each student will begin by writing a number one on the right, followed by a, b, c. Each student will give a score from 1-10 for each category. Each student will then add these numbers up in order to get a cumulative score. The cumulative score should be circled. Repeat for each. *Each student will exclude his/her number from list. They are not permitted to vote for themselves. 7) Teacher records cumulative scores on master score sheet (one for each class) and divides by number of total scores given in order to determine score average. 8) The top 3 score averages from each group move on to compete in the school competition. 9) 42 students will compete for the top 5 Coats of Arms in the entire school. Every student will have a chance to vote.

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