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Spring 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester III MC0073 Systems Programming 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0811)

Assignment Set 1 (60 Marks)

Answer all questions

1. Consider the following C Language program and list out the outcomes of: main() { int a, b, c,d; printf( enter the value of a, &a); printf( enter the value of a, &b); if ( a > b) { c = a+b; printf ( %d %d ,c); } else { d=a+b; printf ( %d %d ,d); } } 2. What is the limitation of conventional pass-1 pass-2 compilation? How do you overcome it? (5 marks) Lexical Analysis Syntactic Analysis Semantic Analysis phases respectively (10 marks)

3. Identify the following notations and define them with examples: L,

(10 Marks)

, T, NT, and G define them with examples

Identify the basic elements of Grammar G What is sentinel form? Give an example

4. Classify and define Grammars. Which Grammar is best suitable for Programming Languages and why? ( 5 Marks)

5. How many characters can be represented by ASCII-8 data format? What is the limitation of ASCII-7 format? (5 Marks)

6. Compare RISC Architecture with CISC Architecture? What was the necessity to move to RISC architecture? 7. Discuss Addressing Modes of Intel 80X86 with suitable examples. 8. List out the pass-1 data structures and pass-2 data structures. (5 Marks) (10 Marks) ( 5 Marks)

9. Define Macro. Write a C program with a macro to find out biggest of two numbers. ( 5 Marks)

Spring 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester III MC0073 Systems Programming 4 Credits
(Book ID: B0811)

Assignment Set 2 (60 Marks)

Answer All Questions

1. Define Bootstrapping. Distinguish between Software Bootstrapping and Compiler Bootstrapping. ( 5 Marks)

2. What is the function of following Intelx86 registers AX DX, CX, DI SI SP BP BX

( 5 Marks)

3. Write the algorithm of Boot Strap Loader.

( 5 Marks)

4. Identify Lexemes and Tokens in the following statements: A5=B+9 x=(y+z)/ 10

( 5 Marks)

5. Given the following Grammar

( 10 Marks)

F id TF ET F id TF F id T T*F E E+T E Parse the input string id+id*id by Bottom-up Parsing or Shift-Reduce Parsing method.


With a neat Block Diagram Explain the Phases of Compiler.

( 10 Marks)

7. Write short notes on: Compiler-Writing Tools Static, Dynamic and Stack Memory allocations Heap and Garbage Collection

( 10 Marks)

8. Define: Finite State Automaton, Deterministic Finite state Automaton and NonDeterministic Finite State Automaton with suitable examples. 9. Bring out the Basic functions of Loader. ( 6 Marks) ( 4 Marks)

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