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Aster|sk sk|nny

Pl lam happy Lo leL my phone reglsLer wlLh sklnny.conf flle ln

asLerlsk. found LhaL l have Lo make 4 flles Lo make Lhls work
1. xmldefaulL.cmf.xML
3.SL [MAC].cnf.xml

ln xmldefaulL flle Lhere ls a llne LhaL says
"<loadlnformaLlon7936 model="Clsco hone
7936">cmLerm_7936.3-3-2-0</loadlnformaLlon7936>" l
edlLed Lhls llne Lo Lhe cmLerm verslon LhaL ls on Lhe phone

l have a LfLp server ln wlndows and asLerlsk on a dlfferenL
one, gave alLernaLe LfLp address polnLlng Lo my lapLop and
Lhe LfLp server does Lransfer Lhe sep[mac].cnf.xml as
requesLed by Lhe phone.

Pow can l make Lhls Lalk wlLh elasLlx server....[usL l need all
Lhls confuslon be cleared up....Lhanks ln advance

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