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Yoga is a science of self-diagnosis, healing,

prevention, and maintenance of your body and soul. The great Rishis (sages) distinguish between Bahiranga Sadhana and Antaranga Sadhana.

Bahiranga Sadhana is outer Yoga or spiritual

practices designed to perfect the outer instruments of body and Prana (vital- energy).

These are the ethical practices and the

Yogasana and Pranayama exercises. Once the body is perfected and the Nadis or astral tubes are purified through Pranayama practices, the spiritual seeker attains fitness to start the inner Yoga or Antaranga Sadhana.

This includes Pratyahara, Dhahran and

Dhyana-sense abstraction, concentration and meditation. The senses and the mind must be withdrawn from the sense objects and the mind must be focused on the God within. This is inner Yoga.

The outer Yoga practices are to prepare the

aspirant to gain fitness to practice this inner Yoga.

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