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HOW WRITING HAS SHAPED HUMAN HISTORY There are three basic functions of human communication.

These three basic functions use by human to tell others about what were happening around them; to show what their thoughts or their feelings; and to create artistic expression. Its functions were same as Literacy, which the people usually write based on the facts and events around them to express their though and feeling. Through writing, people wrote artistic expression that known as literature. But beside execute these function, writing has another function. Writing enables people to do much more things, such as increasing our ability to remember and to develop ways of remembering many things when we write down our thought. Writing makes us can form new idea by outing information together in new ways, so it possible for us to form new concept. In other way, the technology of writing has extended our intellectual and social abilities. It has made us can interact with other in different time and different place by recorded information that had written by the people. We can say that the technology of writing has increased human communication capability. Without writing, it would not be possible for human to develop the industrialized world and the human would not be able to create the extensive with nowadays complex societies, or even preserved the great works of art and literature.

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