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Consciousness in Decision Making in Business *Mr.

Gaurav Sharma Abstract Consciousness is a state of mind which is developed by awakening of the mental f aculties. Its the awareness of ones own existence, thoughts, surroundings, etc. Consciousness is an essential state of mind which is needed for Better Worldlines s , may it be family, working place, play groups or any other social and business organization. As the major objective of any business is to earn maximum profit, therefore it i s essential for any business to carry out the decision making process consciousl y. It does not imply only profit of the organization but also the well being of its work force. Consciousness of both the employer and the employee is required to meet the obje ctives of the organization. Present paper tries to examine the effect of consciousness in decision making in business organization. The study will be based on secondary source of data, however pilot survey will b e conducted in Agra city.

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